Dual Ram Feedback System
- Dual ram feedback via encoders mounted at each end of the Accurpress
- Encoders Measure Position during the bending cycle and compensate the ram accordingly when unequal forces are applied 
- Dual ram feedback offers a huge advantage for precision stage bending applications.
Ram Tilt Indicator
- Attractive front covers complete with a dial indicator measures the applied ram tilt adjustment.
0.0004" Repeat Accuracy
+/- 0.0004" repeat accuracies Via a proportional valve hydraulic system.
Numerous Features And Options
- We know that your application is as unique as the products you make. This is why we have several customizable options to make the machine work the way you need it too.
Diverse Controls
- ETS100, ETS200 and the robust ETS3000 are all available for use on this model. 
- Powered backgauge options are also available. X Axis , R Axis, Z1/Z2 Axis and X-prime.
With Higher accuracies and added features, the Accurpress Advantage brings a new dimension to the Rocker Arm Design.
